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10h00  CIBE - Clarisse FischerSecretary General and RAGT énergie, Matthieu Campargue, Directeur
Every 5 years, standards are reviewed in order to adapt them to the market and its evolutions, and to correct restricting points which prevent the use of standards or standard classes. Today, standards published in June 2004 on woodchips and pellets in particular are being reviewed for a new publication this year. New standards on thermally treated biofuels and woodchips for industrial use are also being developed.
This review is an important opportunity for the whole wood energy sector in order to upgrade and adapt the standards to the French market, be it for the production or the consumption.
So the CIBE, in partnership with Propellet, RAGT and the SNPGB (National Syndicate of Wood Pellet Producers) works in coordination for the current review of the solid biofuels standards (woodchips and pellets in particular) or ISO 17225.
This situational analysis and the next steps will be presented.

10h00   Biogas in Brittany : from production to wheel - André Crocq, Région Bretagne - Conseiller régional délégué à la transition énergétique et Gilles Petitjean, ADEME - Directeur Régional 

10h00   Biogaz in Brittany : from production to wheel - André Crocq, Région Bretagne - Conseiller régional délégué à la transition énergétique et Gilles Petitjean, ADEME - Directeur Régional 

Moderator : France Biométhane -Cédric de Saint-Jouan, Président

10h20   Strengthening the competitivity of the French biomethane sector, ENEA consulting - Laurent Blaisonneau
10h40   Optimising the cost of feedstocks (intermediary crops), AAMF -Sylvain Marsac Arvalis
11h00   Optimising the energy recovery from biogas, Agribiomethane - Damien Roy
11h20   Developpling operator training and maintenance optimisation, Methatlantique Jérôme Bécot 
11h40   Round Table : The role for renewable gas in the PPE (the national multi-annual energy programme) 
France Biométhane -Cédric de Saint-Jouan, Président, GRDF - Sylvain Frédéric, Project Manager Biomethane, GRTgaz Catherine Brun, Secretary General - Responsable for Strategic, Regional and Public Affairs,France gaz renouvelables - Jean-Marc Onno, Administrateur, ENGIE - Olivier Guerrini, Industrial Director - Renewable Gas
12h45   Exchange with the floor

10h45 CIBE - Stéphane Cousin, Technical Advisor
The Ministry has published on 3rd August 2018 the transposition orders of the 2015/2193/UE directive of 25th November 2015 related to the emission limitation of some pollutants in the atmosphere from Medium Combustion Plants or MCP. The latter is applicable to combustion plants with nominal thermal power from 1 to 50 MW. The directive sets the rules aiming to limit atmospheric emissions of SO2, NOx and dust, and also rules aiming to monitor the CO emissions.
Its transposition in French law is ensured by a decree and 5 orders which come into effect on 20th December 2018.
The main developments analysed by the CIBE will be presented.

11h30  CEDEN, Biomasse Normandie and/or ECO-MOBILIER
For around twenty years, the UE has established directives and regulations in order to integrate, from the conception of goods put on the market, the conditions of their end of life.
The objective is to minimize the streams but also to facilitate the reuse, the recycling of the material and the energy valorisation. The members states have adopted in that regard different strategies; in France, the enlarged recycling responsibility of the producer (REP) generalises through the creation of Eco-organisms, which gather professionals of each sector and which guarantee materially these objectives.
In the furniture sector, the State has approved Eco-Mobilier, which takes charge of the end of life management of the Furniture Elements Waste (DEA) of the general public, and a second Eco-organism has been approved for the DEA of the professionals (VALDELIA).
In this respect, Eco-Mobilier is planning by 2023 the collection of nearly 1 000 000 tons of DEA, of which about 2/3 are made of wood. Nearly 230 000 tons per year should be oriented to industrial and municipal heating plants. Although various programmes have been conducted before (SRBTP and ECIRBEN), this type of waste is today still not very well known. Eco-mobilier has wished to raise this problem by launching a large campaign for the characterisation of wood DEA at the national scale.
It has then asked the Biomasse Normandie Association and the CEDEN office to analyse in more details the composition of the end of life woods from the furniture sector. The state of progress of this study will be presented.

12h15​  CIBE - Elodie PayenProject Manager, AILE - Marc Le Treïes et/ouABIBOIS - Aurélien ROUAULT
The wood energy organisers are local actors assigned by local authorities and ADEME in order to support a consistent development of the territorial wood energy sectors (municipal and industrial). Support to the supply structuring, technical and financial estimations of heating plants projects, knowledge of the progress of the installations and actors in place. Come and (re)discover their expertise and the people who work in your sector!

14h00  This conference will highlight the data on available resource in Brittany and Pays de Loire regions and will present the progress of the sector regarding the management of the quality of woodchips supply :
- figures of the resources in the West, consumption and perspectives: results of the study of the Britanny resource in wood and evolution of the forests
- ensure the quality of the interventions: the Bois Bocage label enables to guarantee a sustainable management of bocage wood
- ensure a quality supply: Chaleur Bois Qualité +: certification of companies and guarantees for the end-consumer

Moderator : Chambre régionale de l'agriculture Pays de la LoireCecile Hubert (tbc)

14h00   Introduction : the hygienization challenges for agricultural community methanisation, Jean-Yves Gardoni, administrator AAMF
14h10   Presentation of the AILE-GRDF study on sanitary challenges, AILE - Adeline Haumont and ACE Méthanisation - Grégory Vrignaud
   Bibliographical overview on the pathogenic germs evolution
   Risk management best practices 
   European benchmark on the application of the regulations on animal sub-products 
   Technical and economical comparison of hygienization methods in the French context

14h50   Danish Case study, Dansk Fagcenter for Biogas - Jakob Lorenzen - DIrector
15h10   Exchange with the floor

14h45  Moderator : Aurélie LEPLUS - AILE

Expertise cooperation in the wood energy sector, a lever for the development of wood heating plants projects and for their operational improvement : this conference will highlight, through testimonials, various forms of mutualisation of developing or operating wood heating plants.
- Sébastien Pinaud, Renewable Heat Pole mission Head, Regional Centre for Renewable Energies (CRER) will highlight various examples of pooling
- Pierre Usureau and Aurélien Despret, energy technicians at SDEC 14 (Calvados Departmental Energy Syndicate) will present the pooling service of general contractor for local wood district heating
- Laurent Le Devedec, energy manager at Lorient Agglomération will present the SPL (local public company) which will raise the future conurbation district heating investments

Moderator : AILEArmelle Damiano

15h30   French and European Benchmarking, S3D - Audrey El Habti, Anaerobic Digestion Programme Manager
15h50   Dutch case study : Gas network between several farms and one industrial partner, CCS - Ruurd van SchaikConsultant
16h10   British case study : Compression to trailer - Portsdown Hill (Portsmouth), SGN - Alan Midwinter, Commercial Director
16h30   Context and the stakes of compression to trailor gas, GrDF - Bastien Praz, National Biométhane Team
16h50   Cobiogaz project, SEM Breizh - Martin Hanrot
17h10   Methagris du Blavet project, CRAB - Carine Pessiot
17h20   Methagris du Blavet project, AgriculteurDamien Peran

16h00  Round Table : this round table will assemble industrial project developers, a project consultant and an adviser to examine the means available to industrialists looking to develop a wood energy solution

Moderator : Marc Le Treïs - AILE
The presentation of support mechanisms to companies will be followed by a round table which will include developers, consulting engineers, consultants in order to present the available means for industrials who wish to study a wood energy solution. The exchanges will provide the opportunity to wonder about the interests that it can bring and about the reasons which can bring a professional to be interested by the subject.
· Guillaume Desmier – Project Manager ENGIE-COFELY :  or Bruno Bonhomme – Projects Director ENGIE-COFELY
· Lucía Roca Fernández-Vizarra – Operation Director GESTAMP Biomass
· Bruno BRETEL – Managing Director – Founding partner Utilities Performance

Moderator : B2E, Frank Mainard

17h00  Actors from the field of mini-cogeneration from biomass will provide their viewpoint on the current status of this sector highlighted with examples and will debate future perspectives. The format is a mini-presentation from each company followed by a round-table debate.
Mini-Green Power - Gonzague de Borde, Development Director
Naoden - Cyril Terrien, Development and Communication
AHCS (représenant de Spanner, de) Adrian Haller, CEO
LCEET (représenant de Volter, fi) ­­Nicolas Krabal, Project leader

18h00  The Awards ceremony for the Innovation Competition for Biogaz Europe, Bois Energie et ReGen Europe takes places in the confefrence Room, Hall 8. Everyone is warmly invited to attend.

Moderator : Biogaz ValleeGregory Lannou, Director

09h30   The PRODIGE programme, Chambre régionale de l'agriculture Bretagne - Pierre Quideau
10h15   Testimonial AAMF, SARL Methalica- Samuel Morand
10h25   Experience from the field of maintenance, Service Union - Pierre Barré, Engine Manager, Jean-Marie Lamour, Maintenance Service Manager
10h40   Round Table : Has cogeneration got an AD future ? EnogiaBenoit Paillette, Sales Director, Clarke Energy - Christophe CHAUVEL, Sales Manager
11h00   Exchange with the floor

Biomass- to-fossil fuel solid susbstitue : black pellets for drop-in coal replacement

09h50  IBTC -Michael Wild,President
10h00  CENER - Javier Gil, Directeur Biomasse, Director of the  Biomass Department
10h10  LMK Energy - Etienne Gadenne et Franck Lavarde
10h20  Round Table - Global perspectives for biomass black pellets as a drop-in coal replacement fuel

The term torrefaction immediately conjures up aromas of roasting coffee beans being turned slowly by a large paddle. Torrefaction of biomass from wood or agri-residues also involves a thermal process (of typically between 200 to 400°C), producing a dark solid biofuel. It is less suited to be drunk in the morning to get the day started but by contrast, makes for a much better coal substitute than coffee, thanks to its homogenous properties and high calorific value.

IBTC (Belgium)
The International Biomas Torrefaction Council comprises more than 20 major international industrial players and has as it central mission the promotion and “use of torrefied biomass as an efficient energy carrier which can speed up the global transition towards a carbon-neutral energy system by 2050”.

LMK Energy
After 5 years of R&D and significant investments, LMK Energy has successfully developed advanced, tested and proven technology.
Roasting significantly reduces the costs of processing, transporting and exploiting biomass while increasing energy yields.
The roasting process used by LMK Energy consists in heating all the biomass by a “soft” heat treatment (distillation) in order to eliminate the water and to break the fibers. The roasting process dries the biomass, irreversibly hydrophobizes it, breaks its structure and concentrates its energy potential.

10h50  BTG  Bioliquids/Technip FMC - Anton van ‘t Slot
11h10  Pyrum Innovatgion - Gerard Perrin
11h30  Haffner Energy - Christian Bestien, Directeur Business Développement

BTG-Bioliquids (the Netherlands)
Biomass residues and various solid waste streams can be converted to liquid bio-oils via pyrolysis, the thermochemical decomposition of biomass through rapid heating in the absence of oxygen … and later refined to produce equivalent liquid fossil fuel susbtitutes, petrol, diesel etc.
BTG-BTL is a Dutch company that today takes lignocellulosic biomass and via their own patented pyrolysis process arrive at a dark-brown liquid, best known as pyrolysis oil. BTG-BTL’s pyrolysis process converts up to 70 wt.% of the biomass feedstock into bio-oil and the remaining part into char and gas (which is used to generate heat and power for the plants needs).
BTG-BTL’s Empyro plant converts 5 tons per hour of wood residues into pyrolysis oil, process steam and electricity. In 2017, Empyro passed the 20 million liter annual production mark, making it the world leader in terms of pyrolysis oil production.

Thermolysis is the thermal dismantling of organic substances under oxygen shortage. During this process, waste is transformed into oil, gas, and coke.
Pyrum today runs its own industrial plant processing up to 1 t/hr of waste streams (typically rubber) to produce a bio-oil that can be used as is, or refined further downstream. This equates to into 5000 ta of waste rubber converted into 2,500 tons of oil, 1900 tons of coke and 600 tons of gas emitting only 5 tons of CO 2 compared to 13 000 T if following the incineration route. 

Haffner Energy has developped and is commercializing a proprietary and highly innovative biomass to hydrogen pyrolysis procedure, known as Hynoca® (meaning “HYdrogen NO CArbon”) The procedure promises a number of key advantages compared to traditional methods for producing hydrogen :
- renewable resources, carbon neutral process
- cost effective renewable hydrogen. On-demand and on-site production to avoid expensive logistics = ultra-competitive hydrogen, ie prices up to 60% lower than current day market prices
- local consumption and production. Easy-to-install stations suitable to urban and suburban locations

Moderator : Chambre régionale de l'agriculture BretagneCarine Pessiot

11h15   Efficiency and autonomy, SOLAGRO - Celine Laboubee 
11h45   What becomes of the organic matter, Chambre régionale de l'agriculture Pays de la Loire- Emeline Tignon
12h05   Social and economic impacts, CER France - Patrice Lelievre
12h25   Testimonial, AAMF - François Trubert, EARL de Reims
12h40   Exchange with the floor

11h50  AILE, ReDirect project - Jacques Bernard, Project Manager Biomass Energy for farmers
12h10  VT Green - Thermochemical biomass valorisation via Biogreen's technology : fist applications and perspectives, Vincent Xavier, Technical Director

RE-DIRECT (France)
The European project RE-DIRECT brings together 11 partners from BE, DE, FR, IR and the UK who are developing a holistic approach to promote the efficient use of natural resources and materials by converting residual biomass into carbon products and activated carbon at smart regional decentralised units.
RE-DIRECT will make use of the proven technology for Integrated Generation of Solid Fuel and Biogas from Biomass (IFBB) to convert 20 000t of unused biomass in a circular economy approach into region specific carbon products, among them activated carbon.
The solid fraction emanating from the IFBB is further processed by drying, using the surplus heat from the biogas combustion before passing through the pyrolysis and activation processes :

  • the dried solid fraction is carbonised using a slow pyrolysis reaction. Surplus heat is produced by combustion of the pyrolysis gases
  • the produced biochar is directly activated using water vapour, produced with the surplus heat of the pyrolysis reaction
  • the final product, activated carbon, can be applied for example in waste water cleaning

VT GREEN (France)
VT GREEN brings together the competences for the recovery of biomass from agriculture, the wood sector or industry, by thermochemical conversion (torrefaction, medium and high temperature pyrolysis). VT GREEN deploys a wide range of services for the development of innovative products and solutions for various areas of application (agriculture, environment, bio-based materials, biomolecules …).

GRTgaz -Robert Muhkle, Project Director « Liquid biomass 4 Biomethane »
Paul Scherer Institute / Treatech -Dr Gaël Peng

Hydrothermal Gasification of liquid wastes
A lesser known bioenergy route to biomethane is the hydrothermal gasification of liquid wastes whereby the trigger is the supercritical point of water at 374°C / 221 bar.
A potentially large and under or non-exploited resource of liquid wastes (<25% dry matter) could be valorised to generate biomethane which would arrive out of the process conveniently at the correct pressure for direct injection into the network :

  • grey water
  • liquid agricultural wastes
  • animal fat
  • industrial effluents
  • digestate from an AD plant
  • algae

GRTgaz (France)
GRTgaz owns and operates the longest high-pressure natural gas network in Europe. GRTgaz also acts as a facilitator for the development of supply streams for renewable green gas.

Paul Scherer Institute (PSI) / Treatech (Switzerland)
TreaTech Sarl in collaboration with the Paul Scherrer Institute aims to put on the market a catalytic hydrothermal gasification process from liquid waste such as sewage sludge. This innovative technology can convert all organic compound into biogas (50-60 %vol. of CH4, 30-40 %vol. of CO2, 10 %vol. of H2) in very short residence times (<15 minutes) and by reaching a net energy efficiency (biomass-en-CH4) between 60-70%. Regarding the mineral fraction of the biomass, it is concentred and recovered in order to be transformed into fertilizer. The building of a pilot unit (100kg/h) will start in 2019 at the Paul Scherrer Institute and it will be operational in 2020 in order to evaluate the gasification performances of various liquid waste types (eg digested waste, non-digested wastes). The aim of the pilot is to reach a technological readiness level (TRL) between 6 and 7.

Moderator : AILEArmelle Damiano

14h00  The AD sector adapts itself to market constraints, AILE – Armelle Damiano, Director
14h05  Example of possibilities of partnerships with a SEM (semi public entity), SEM Energy'IV - David Clausse, Director
14h15  Example of the ENERFEES project, Janzé (35), SAS ENERFEES 
- Sébastien Benoist
14h25  Example of the METHAMAINE project, Meslay-du-Maine (53) - Benoit Dutertre, project shareholder
14h35  Participative funding, Energie Partagée - Suzanne Renard, project manager in methanisation
14h45  The various forms of participative funding to meet the financing and appropriation challenges, GRDF - Pierre-Yves Eon
14h55  BPGO - Yann Guézel (to be confirmed)  
15h05  Unica Conseils - Nicolas Mallein
15h15  Exchanges with the floor

14h00  Waga-Energy - Vincent Tisseire, Business Development Engineer
14h20   le Groupe Paprec - Morgane Gorria, Biological recovery and anaerobic digestion Manager

WAGA-ENERGY has developed, based on >10 years development, the world’s first unit to upgrade landfill biogas to grid quality biomethane at a cost competitive with fossil equivalent, via membrane separation coupled with cryogenic distillation.
In so doing, the millions of m³ of landfill gas which are wasted every hour worldwide and which represent
5% of greenhouse gases emissions, can be captured in the form of a competitive renewable substitute for natural gas.
WAGA-ENERGY fills the gap between landfill operators and utilities

Created 24 years ago, the Paprec group has established itself as the national leader for waste matter recycling. It collects 12 million tons of waste on 200 sites in France and in Switzerland to more than 40,000 industrial clients and 1,250 local authorities, and it creates new feedstocks from the sorting of this waste.
For around ten years, the company has also been developing in waste-to-energy. At the same time by the knowledge of the Solid Recuperation Fuels and also by the gas production from its storage installations of non-hazardous waste – sometimes reinjected directly to the grid, as well as via the biomethanisation sector, which allows the double energy and organic recovery. 

Moderator :  Philippe Hugeron, Club Pyrogazéification, President

14h45  FEDEREC - Pascal Léon, Président Filière Bois et Palelettes
15h00  Xylowatt - Pièrre Evrard, Commercial Director
15h15  ETIA - Olivier Lepez, CEO
15h30  Leroux et Lotz Paul Clemens, Commercial Director
15h45  CHO Power Marc Lefour, Business Development Director
16h00  Nexterra Systems Corp. - Philip Beaty, VP Strategic Relations
16h15  Round table : What role for pyrogasification in the French renewable gas portfolio ? 

Recycling of waste where there is a positive carbon benefit, into a renewable resource is evidently the priority, prior to its consideration for other ends. What however remains non-recyclable needs to be recovered for maximum value and waste to energy provides a very efficient solution.
Pyrogasification involves high temperature thermal treatment of renewable biomass or non-renewable waste in the absence of oxygen. The resultant gas (syngas), liquid and coke can be produced in varying proportions and volumes according to a number of determinable parameters. 
Whilst the most frequently practiced energy recovery method today of syngas involves its direct burning in a CHP motor, a secondary pathway involves the further process of methanation in order to produce a grid compatible gas for direct injection. The key attraction from an energy management perspective of this upgraded syngas is that it provides an opportunity to store and call up this calorific value according to demand. This “pyrogasification to biomethane/recovered gas*” route is set to make a major contribution to attaining the French 100% renewable green gas target for 2050 (from 15 to 40% depending on scenario).
Incineration by contrast, implies combustion in the presence of oxygen and the immediate recovery of the heat value of the incinerated feedstock. 

* « Biomethane », when this syngas comes from biomass or renewables streams (EnR)
« Recovered gas » when this syngas comes from SRF non-recyclable fraction or non-recyclable waste.


The Club Pyrogasification and other Innovating Thermal Processes gathers professionals from the innovating thermal process sector (pyrolysis, gasification, pyrogasification, hydrothermal oxidation, vitrification by plasma torching,… except combustion and incineration) in order to support the exchanges between its members, to raise awareness of the general public about the challenges of the sector for a successful energy transition, and to promote the common interests to the public authorities. The Club brings together organisations wishing to participate actively in the development of the innovating thermal process sector.``

Nexterra Systems Corp. is a global leader in the development and supply of community scale gasification systems that convert non-recyclable organic waste into clean, renewable heat and power. The systems are designed around Nexterra's proven gasification platform that has over 300,000 hours of commercial operation. Nexterra has delivered eleven commercial projects in North America and the United Kingdom. Nexterra has delivered three gasification plants to the UK, including two 10 MWe plants, and one 4 MWe plant.

Nexterra offers modular packages that can produce 5-50 MWth of thermal energy or 5-20 MWe of electricity. Nexterra's products deliver higher reliability, lower emissions and greater fuel flexibility compared to conventional energy-from-waste systems. In the United Kingdom, the Nexterra system meets the criteria of an Advanced Conversion Technology (ACT) which qualifies operators for certain regulatory and financial advantages over conventional technologies.
Future development will include commercialization of Nexterra’s technology to operate on Refuse Derived Fuel, and partnership with downstream syngas conditioning technology partners that will utilize Nexterra syngas as feedstock for processes that create high value gases and transportation fuels.
Incorporated in 2003, Nexterra is a private company with an experienced team of employees working in Canada and the United Kingdom.

FEDEREC (France)
FEDEREC is the Recycling Professional Federation. Created in 1945, FEDEREC brings together 1300 company members, from very small businesses to big groups, spread out on the whole French territory, and with activities such as collection, sorting, recovery of industrial and municipal waste or recycling feedstock trade.
« Today, wood recycling players are waiting for the start of class B wood combustion projects. » Pascal LEON, President of the wood and pallet sectors.

XYLOWATT (Belgium)
Xylowatt has accumulated over the years the most direct experience of any developer of gasification solutions in Europe. Its most recent release, the NOTAR® v.3 indicates a new level of attainment for the company in syngas production.
A world first : The Namur Hospital (CHU UCL) – Godinne site becomes the world’s first hospital mainly fed by green energy from biomass gasification. The CHU will benefit from this unit to cover a part of its needs in electricity (40%), heating (65%) and cooling (40%).
As it does not rely on wind nor sunshine, the new unit will produce day and night in summer and from local renewable biomass: 620 kW of electricity, 1100 kW of heat and 680 kW of cold. Its energy resources will include woodchips from natural wood (branches and cleaning from motorways sides) and recycled wood (not usable pallets and packaging wood).

L&L Heat & Power has achieved international recognition for its combustion and gasification systems, developing innovative solutions for producing energy from all types of solid fuels whether biomass or waste derived.
Investing heavily in R&D, Leroux et Lotz’s project Innov Energy opens up a new pathway for the future to convert all types of biomass and waste streams to syngas via pyrogasification. Out of this R&D experience, a new industrial pyrogasification plant on the Bonnefoy industrial site in the East of France will see 45 000 T/year of biomass and SRF produce power of 51 600 MWeh / year and heat 51 600 MWth/year.

ETIA (France)
ETIA is known the world over for its proven BioGreen© torrefaction and pyrolysis process converting biomass, plastics, and waste into energy and useful products. The first unit was installed in 2003 and over 90% of its business is in the export market.
In the pipeline today is the extension of the high-temperature pyrolysis Biogreen© process to become a technology to produce Synthane®, synthetic methane, from waste and biogenic resources by the addition of purification and methanation processes.
A collaboration with GRTgaz was launched in July 2017 to construct a pilot plant dedicated to produce synthetic methane from waste and biogenic resources and to validate the opportunity of injecting synthetic methane into transmission grid.

CHO Power (France)
CHO Power designs, builds, and operates electricity production plants from SRF and biomass through its own gasification process. Onsite energy recovery via gas motors provides an excellent electrical output (two times higher than a vapor cycle).
CHO Power designed, built and operates the 1st plant of this kind (at European level, and even at global level) in Morcenx (Landes region, France). This plant, CHO Morcenx, is designed to recover 58,000T/year of industrial waste and forestry woodchips and it presents an installed capacity of 11 MWe

15h30   "Conception and Construction of AD plants" certificate, Club Biogaz - Arnaud Diara, CH4Process- Maxime Brissaud
15h50   "AD plant manager" specialist professional certificat, AAMF- Bertrand Guerin
16h05   Charter AAMF - Sébastien Boudet
16h20   Round Table : site operators, AMO, MO, Constructeurs
16h45   Exchange with the floor

10h00    Changes in legislative and pricing contexts for injected biomethane, DGEC
10h15    Biomethane news, Christophe Bellet, GRDF
10h30    Rights to direct injection, Nathalie Cloatre, GRTgaz
10h45    How to take into account the externalities of anaerobic digestion in support mechanisms ?, Jean Lemaistre, France Gaz Renouvelables
10h55    Progress Update Greenhouse Gases Working Party, Jihane Loudiyi, GRDF 
11h05    Progress Update Water Quality Working Party, Armelle Damiano, AILE
11h15    Launch of the Info Metha (AD Info) website, Alice l'Hostis, CTBM
11h25    Open to the floor

Moderator : AAMF, Hélène Berault
simultaneous translation : french/english

­10h00    State of the art of wood heating networks and prospects for the development of wood energy and networks, Mathieu Fleury, CIBE
10h20    The development of Nantes district heating networks as part of the energy transition roadmap, Virginie Thune, Nantes Métropole
10h40    Decarbonising industry and district heating - convert existing fossil fuel fired boilers to renewable fuel, Alexander van Heuverswyn, PetroBio
11h00    Greening District Heating, Thomas Poncet, Coriance
11h20    Borås Energi an example of district heating from agricultural biomass and digested sewage sludge with ash land restitution as part of a combined cycle, Susanne Paulrud, RISE
11h40    Heat, power, pellet production and district cooling in a combined energy system, Lars Runevad, Falu Energi & Vatten
12h00    Ten years experience with a wood gasification based CHP plant in Skive, Denmark - from problems to success, John Hansen, Haldor Topsøe and Tage Meltofte, Skive CHP Company 

simultaneous translation : french/english

10h00    Lots of advantages but important obstacles to overcome, Roland Marion, Confédération des Métiers de l'Environnement (CME), Délégué général
10h20    Solid Recovered Fuels: state of the market in Europe and an example of energy production in Italy, Christophe Cord'homme, Business and Products Development Director, CNIM Group
10h40    Combustion innovation for a low carbon world - creating a “new generation” energy pellet for firing in pulverised fuel utility boilers, Christopher Biggs, Global Marketing Director, RJM
11h00    CSR (alternative fuels) - Circular and Territorial energy, Jean-Paul Roques, Directeur « Waste To Energy », Paprec Group - COVED Environnement
11h20    Energy recovery from CSR in a short cycle - it is possible, Pierre Du Baret, Managing Director, Minigreen Power
11h40    Tomorrow's energy solutions today, Timo Huusko, Director, Business Development, KPA Unicon
12h00    Is it time to think small?, Marie Bierent, Chef de Projet, OPTYMA
12h20    One step closer to 100% renewable WtE plants, Johanna Linden, CEO, PetroBio

Moderator: Cedric Desforges, FEDEREC (Valordec)
simultaneous translation : french/english

10h00    An Introduction to biochar, Kathleen Draper, IBI
10h30    An overview of pyrolysis technologies and biochar carbon sequestration, Lydia Fryda, TNO
11h00    Carbon Negative, Biochar & Bio-Energy Circular Economy at work, Peter Burgess, Rainbow Bee Eater
11h20    Structuring the European Biochar Industry, Harald Bier, European Biochar Industry Consortium (EBI)
11h40    Biochar, future prospects for a sustainable and circular agriculture, François Dusannier, Agriculteurs Composteurs de France
12h00    Open to the floor

Moderator : Kathleen Drapter, IBI
simultaneous translation : french/english

10h30    Replace natural gas or LPG in industrial process heat generation with clean renewable gas from biomass, Thomas Bräck, Meva Energy    english
10h50    25 year’s of Swedish experience of Carbon tax, Gustav Melin, Svebio    english
11h10    Gasification and pyrolysis – From lab to pilot scale at VTT, Kristoffer Lund, VTT    english
11h30    Modelling in thermochemical processes, Sirpa Kallio, VTT    english
11h50    Automated sampling robot that revolutionize biomass quality controlling, Timo Huotari, Prometec    english
12h10    Cost-efficient renewable combined heat and power through biomass gasification, Thomas Bräck, Meva Energy    english
12h30    X-ray determination of moisture content in wood biofuel assortments for process control, M. Henning Horn, Norsk Treteknisk Institutt    english

10h50    Biométhane / biogaz durable par la biomasse de deuxième génération, René Rasmussen, Lundsby Biogas    français
11h10    Reliable automations to enhance the biogas process, Anna Sydänmaa, Valmet Auomation    english
11h30    Biogas Upgrading with Amine, Alexander Ryhl, Ammongas    english

simultaneous translation : french/english

simultaneous translation : french/english

Presentation by M. Freddy HERVOCHON, Vice-Pdt "Natural resources and environments, land action, sea and coast and inland waterways", and Sofia Tendron, Engineer in Climate Energy, Department of Loire-Atlantique.

Created in 2016, the CoOpMétha 44 partnership (Operational Coordination for Methanisation in Loire-Atlantique) brings together ten structures, with the common interest of developing methanisation projects. Without a priori on the type of projects, the partners mobilize collectively to support project leaders. Information meetings for farmers, raising awareness among communities and elected officials about the development potential of anaerobic digestion, support for land research via the CartoMétha tool, but also putting them in touch with other key partners: several tools and levers are mobilized to facilitate the emergence and development of projects.

language : french

14h00    Benefit from AD operator experiences, AAMF testimonial
14h15    What is new in training ? Training "Head of AD" Jérome Bécot, Cluster Methatlantique and Training "Technician Maintenance Biogas", Julien Schmit, Gaz Verts of AFG Auvergne Rhônes Alpes
14h30    The first Qualimétha accreditations, Marion Melix, Club Biogaz + témoignage de S3D
14h45    Health and Safety on biogas sites, Maxime Brissaud, CH4 process
15h00    Mistakes to be avoided, Anthony Kerihuel, Cluster Methatlantique
15h15    Open to the floor

Moderator : AILE
simultaneous translation : french/english

14h00    The advantages of bioNGV, AFGNV, Gilles Durand
14h10    Development of bioNGV in the West of France, Méthatlantique - bioNGV club, Bertrand Hibert
14h20    Testimonial: Anjou Bois Energie, Lucien Gerbier
14h30    Testimonial: Transport Jouve, Mikaël Jouve
14h40    Testimonial: the involvement of local authorities in bioNGV mobility, SémA-E, Aurélie Kaminski
14h50    Open to the floor

Moderator : GIlles Durand, AFGNV
language : french

14h00    The Ecocombust Project, Philippe Le Bevillon et Isabelle Gigout, EDF-DPNT-DTEAM-UP Cordemais Le Havre
14h20    Replace fossil gas in high quality process heat generation, reduce GHG emissions and improve air quality with cost efficient renewable energy through gasification of local biomass residues, Thomas Bräck, Meva Energy
14h40    Practical examples of pellets and wood powder firing in CHP, Process steam and  Hot water, Björn Forsberg, WTS
15h00    Trigeneratoin at Uden, M. Grégory Rat, Uniconfort
15h20    Surface Protetion Solutions for mission critical equipment, Cyril Narzoj, IGS Europe
15h40    Circular Economy in Biomass Projects with Flexifuel and CO2 CCU, Emilio López,Gestamp Biomass
16h00    Open to the floor

Moderator : Gustav Melin, SVEBIO
simultaneous translation : french/english

14h00    Introduction, Robert Muhlke, GRTgaz
14h15    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Nikolaos Boukis
14h30    PSI + TreaTech, David Baudouin (PSI) and Gael Peng (TreaTech), Frederic Julliard (TreaTech)
15h00    CEA, Isabelle Chapuis
15h15    CADE Soluciones, Victor Ruiz
15h30    Bright Circular, John Harrinck
15h45    Conclusions and Open to the floor

Moderator : Robert Muhlke, GRTgaz
simultaneous translation : french/english


« GRTgaz is committed, in accordance with the mandate given by the energy regulatory commission (CRE), to identify the economic conditions allowing the development of new renewable gas sectors (methanation, pyrogasification, Hydrothermal gasification and Power-to -gas). Concerning the valorization of liquid biomass by Hydrothermal Gasification, we seek to create links between the developers of the technology, the industrial equipment manufacturers being able to design parts of high technicality and sites having the biomass resource.

In this, GRTgaz initiates and supports numerous partnership approaches aimed at testing the technology with prospects who, by supplying sludge or digestate from STEP sludge, digestate from agricultural methanisation or agricultural effluents (slurry, leachate, hydrolysis ,…), Gain first experience with concrete results that are both technical and economic.

At the same time, we are a stakeholder in the creation and management of this new sector to define its future regulatory framework on the technological and financial level (support mechanism).

Finally, with the aim of achieving the first industrial projects in France by 2024/2025, GRTgaz wishes to initiate by 2022 the setting up of a first pre-industrial demonstration project on a site with around 10,000 tonnes per year of liquid biomass waste or residue. Sludges from treatment plants, methanation digestates that cannot be recovered locally by spreading, animal or industrial effluents whose dry matter is still fairly rich in organic matter are ideal candidates.

To find out more: our study on the potential of Hydrothermal Gasification in France (exec summary in English) and an educational video (in English) »

14h00    THREE - C 2020-2023 : Creation of Value Chains around Biosourced Activated Carbon and Biochar, Marc le Treïs et Jacques Bernard, AIle
14h20    The benefits of biochar, Terra fertilis® your ally in organic farming and maintenance of green spaces, Katia Pallu, Sylva Fertilis
14h40    Use of biochar for AD process optimisation, Jan Mumme, Carbogenics
15h00    The use of biochar for horticultural crops, Michel Campredon et Sylvain Louarn, Florentaise
Open to the floor

simultaneous translation : french/english

14h00   Wood pellets for heating with good profitability up to 2 MW, JGöran Magnusson, Janfire    english
14h20    Low-cost type IV (composite) storage and transportation solutions, Jørn Løvdal, UMOE    english
14h40    An introduction to environmental catalysts, Anders Rooma Nielsen, Umicore    english
15h00    Technical aspects and case stories”. It goes more into details about catalytical removal of NOx on biomass plants, Anders Rooma Nielsen, Umicore    english
15h20    Conversions de chaudière facile et rapide utilisant des combustibles liquides, solides et gazeux renouvelable, Alexander Van Heuverswyn, PetroBio    français

14h00    Les nouveaux modèles de méthanisation Scandinave agricole collective pour le maintien de l’élevage, par Nature Energy / Xergi avec  témoignage d’une Coopérative Française    français
14h30    La valeur de la mesure du méthane sur base humide dans le biogaz, Lilian Robert, Vaisala    français
14h50    Simplifying bioLNG energy transfer management,  Jani Hautaluoma, Valmet Automation    english
15h10    Biométhane / biogaz durable par électrification de l'unité de méthanisation, René Rasmussen, Lundsby Biogas    français
15h30    Biomethane transportation by Mobile Pipeline®, Felix Grass, Hexagon Composites    english

15h45    MAPPED : digital tools to boost biogas production at the unit and regional level, Charlotte Richard, Engie et Julien Budin, BioEnTech
16h00    Improving biogas performance with the use of trace elements, Mme Birgit Pfeiffer et Mme Emna Dahmen, Schaumann France
16h15    Bringing the advantages of integrated operations to biogas plants, Anna Sydänmaa, Valmet Automation
16h30    An innovative 3-in-1 insitu biogas measurement instrument, Antti Heikkilä, Product Manager, Vaisala
16h45    Reducing methane slip to <1% : an important environmental benefit and a direct revenue gain, René Rasmussen, Lundsby Biogas
17h00    Use of biochar for AD process optimisation, Jan Mumme, Carbogenics
17h15    Efficient conversion of biogas into methanol by electrically heated steam reforming, Peter Mortensen, Haldor Topsoe
17h30    Enhancing biogas production by integration of pyrolysis, Dr. Oda Kjoerlaug Svennevik, Scanship

simultaneous translation : french/english
Moderator : Angela Sanseverino, Biogas Research Center, Sweden

16h00    Pyrogasification: a sector serving the circular economy and the greening of gas, Madeleine Alphen, Déléguée Générale du Club Pyrogazéification
16h20    Leroux et Lotz, Paul Clemens
16h40    ETIA, Philippe Hugeron
17h00    Naoden, Damien Hervé
17h20    Meva Energy, Thomas Bräck

Moderator : Madeleine Alphen, Déléguée Générale du Club Pyrogazéification
simultaneous translation : french/english

A panorama of biochar production technologies and exemplary case studies from the field
16h00    SYNCRAFT, Marcel Huber
16h20    ETIA, Vincent Xavier
16h40    Rainbow Bee Eater, Peter Burgess
17h00    Pyreg, Marcel Rensmann
17h20    Open to the floor

Moderator: Marc le Treïs, AILE
simultaneous translation : french/english

09h45    Ready for the resource revolution thanks to decentralised units, Pascal Peu, Irstea et Pablo Kroff, Suez 
10h05    How to accelerate the deployment of territorial micro-ad units, Jimmy Colomies, Sébastien Gacougnolle, Tryon Environnement 
10h25    Méthania International, Selim Kanzari
10h45    Micro AD  = I act and I decide for my operation, it's easy !, Norbert Irissou, MicroMétha
11h05    Micro AD: Exploring opportunities for the urban organic circular economy including nutrient recovery, Rokiah Yaman, Leap Micro AD et Angie Bywater, Methanogen

simultaneous translation : french/english
Moderator : Stefan Anderberg, Biogas Research Center, Sweden

Presentation of the regional dynamics of the bioNGV station of Saumur, Aurélie Kaminski, Director General SémA-E
Regional support system for bioGNV, Bertille BALLUFFIER, Energy Transition Program Officer at the Pays de la Loire Regional Council
Support for project developers and prospects for the development of bioGNV filling stations in the West of France, Benjamin Simon, Mobility Manager GRDF Ouest
Creation of the bioNGV Club for the Pays de Loire Region, Mickael Thomas, Délégué général de l’Association Méthatlantique

Moderator : Gilles Durand, AFGNV
language : français

Evolution of ISO standards on biofuels, Matthieu CAMPARGUE, Director of RAGT Energie, Clarisse FISCHER, General Delegate of CIBE and Mathieu PETIT, Wood-energy project manager, FIBOIS Ardèche-Drôme

10h00    Fuels, chemicals and materials from carbon dioxide emissions and renewable electricity, Prof. Juha Lehtonen, VTT
10h25    Waste is only a resource in the wrong place, Peter Hammond, CCm Technologies
10h50    CO2 capture from biogas cogeneration and conversion to animal feed via micro-organisms, Pièrre Douineau, Kempro Environnement
11h15    CO2 Recovery and Purification from the Offgas of Biogas Upgrading and Power Plants using Adsorption Technology, Patrick Barcia, Sysadvance
11h40    Transforming CO2 into animal feed: a sustainable and economically viable means to carbon dioxide utilisation, Ahmed El-Kadars, Deep Branch Technology
12h05    Open to the floor

simultaneous translation : french/english

10h00    An Introduction to biochar, Kathleen Draper, IBI
10h30    An overview of pyrolysis technologies and biochar carbon sequestration, Lydia Fryda, TNO
11h00    Carbon Negative, Biochar & Bio-Energy Circular Economy at work, Peter Burgess, Rainbow Bee Eater
11h20    Structuring the European Biochar Industry, Harald Bier, European Biochar Industry Consortium (EBI)
11h40    Biochar, future prospects for a sustainable and circular agriculture, Frédéric Quiclet, Agriculteurs Composteurs de France
12h00    Open to the floor

Moderator : Kathleen Drapter, IBI
simultaneous translation : french/english

10h30    Replace natural gas or LPG in industrial process heat generation with clean renewable gas from biomass, Thomas Bräck, Meva Energy    english
10h50    25 year’s of Swedish experience of Carbon tax, Gustav Melin, Svebio    english
11h10    Gasification and pyrolysis – From lab to pilot scale at VTT, Kristoffer Lund, VTT    english
11h30    Modelling in thermochemical processes, Sirpa Kallio, VTT    english
11h50    Automated sampling robot that revolutionize biomass quality controlling, Timo Huotari, Prometec    english
12h10    Cost-efficient renewable combined heat and power through biomass gasification, Thomas Bräck, Meva Energy    english
12h30    X-ray determination of moisture content in wood biofuel assortments for process control, M. Henning Horn, Norsk Treteknisk Institutt    english

10h30    The value of wet basis methane measurement in biogas, Antti Heikkilä, Vaisala    english
10h50    Biométhane / biogaz durable par la biomasse de deuxième génération, René Rasmussen, Lundsby Biogas    français
11h10    Reliable automations to enhance the biogas process, Anna Sydänmaa, Valmet Auomation    english
11h30    Les nouveaux modèles de méthanisation Scandinave   agricole collective céréalière (couverts végétaux) en conservation des sols, par Nature Energy / Xergi avec témoignage d’une Coopérative Française : Pavillon Scandinave    français

First year of operation of wood installations: what to be aware of, Marion MEZZINA, Project manager at CIBE and Blandine ROBERT, Regional manager Nantes at Inddigo

simultaneous translation : french/english

11h30    Introduction, Grégory Lannou, Directeur de Biogaz Vallée®
11h35    Restitutoin of the Methasocio programme, Caroline Depoudent, Chargée d’études et de conseil pour les Chambres d’agriculture de Bretagne
11h45    Testimonies:
Testimonial of a regoinal agricultural project, Sébastien Benoist, Responsable énergie - environnement à Roche aux Fées Communauté
Testimony of an agency that supports project leaders in the integration of sensitive regional projects, Thomas Muselier, Président chez TACT
Testimony of an industrial operator, Pierre Landel, Président de Bionerval
12h45    Open to the floor

Moderator: Grégory Lannou, Biogaz Vallée®
simultaneous translation : french/english

Introduction, Laurent Blaisonneau, Associate, ENEA Consulting
Update on the development of the right to injection and focus on trailer biomethane injection,  Hubert Nicolas, GRDF, Biométhane Management
Presentation of the West Grid Synergy Project GRTGAZ - Romain Verles - Directeur du Projet West Grid SYNERGY
Presentation of an innovative offer to optimise and maximise the injection of biomethane into the network, Claudio Bucella, Director, AZOLA
Towards the structuring of a BioLNG sector - Synergies with LNG infrastructures - speaker tbc, ELENGY

Moderator : Laurent Blaisonneau, ENEA Consulting
language : french

Collective and industrial heating: what role for wood pellets?, Stéphane COUSIN, Technical advisor at CIBE and Eric VIAL, Director of Propellet France

simultaneous translation : french/english

The wood energy coordinator at the heart of territorial development: Regional programs, link with the territories, resource management and fuel quality, Philippe BESSEAU, resource / wood energy coordinator at Atlanbois, Nathalie BRAC, wood-energy coordinator at ABIBOIS, Elodie PAYEN, Project manager at CIBE and Cécile PORTIER, Host of Renewable Energies 49 at Mission Bocage.

simultaneous translation : french/english

14h00    Integrating intermediary energy crops into crop rotation : technical and economic routes
Choice of cultures and technical routes: feedback
Retour d’essais et expérimentations, Thierry  Seguin, Chambre d’agriculture de l’Oise
Feedback from trials and experiments, Seguin (Chambre d’agriculture de l’Oise)"
Let's be innovative in CIVE culture and the livestock system, Grégory Vrignaud, ACE Méthanisation
Testimonials of CIVE producers for AD, AAMF member
Economic approach of CIVE from harvest to methanizer hopper, Grégory Vrignaud, ACE Méthanisation
15h15    Open to the floor

Moderator: Cecile Hubert, CRA PdL
simultaneous translation : french/english

14h00    The advantages of bioNGV, AFGNV, Gilles Durand
14h10    Development of bioNGV in the West of France, Méthatlantique - bioNGV club, Bertrand Hibert
14h20    Testimonial: Anjou Bois Energie, Lucien Gerbier
14h30    Testimonial: Transport Jouve, Mikaël Jouve
14h40    Testimonial: the involvement of local authorities in bioNGV mobility, SémA-E, Aurélie Kaminski
14h50    Open to the floor

Moderator : GIlles Durand, AFGNV
language : french

14h00    Introduction,  Bertrand Simon, Pyrogasification project Director, GRTgaz
14h10    Round table: presentation of speakers and companies
14h25    Catalytic methanation: state of the art and perspectives, Laurent Bedel, Laboratory Manager, CEA LITEN
14h40    Catalytic methanation, demonstrations carried out by Khimod and development prospects,  Tahar Melliti, Board Member, Khimod
14h55    Biological Methanation of syngas : start-up of a pilot unit in an industrial environment, Yann Mercier, Président, Terrawatt
15h10    A versatile biological methantion technology,  Stéphane Palmade, Directeur Technique, Enosis
15h25    Biocat : Proviging Grid Scale Renewable Methane, Doris Hafenbradl, CTO & Managing Director
15h40    Conclusions : Bertrand Simon, GRTgaz

Moderator : Bertrand Simon, GRTgaz
simultaneous translation : french/english

14h00    THREE - C 2020-2023 : Creation of Value Chains around Biosourced Activated Carbon and Biochar, Marc le Treïs et Jacques Bernard, AIle
14h20    The benefits of biochar, Terra fertilis® your ally in organic farming and maintenance of green spaces, Katia Pallu, Sylva Fertilis
14h40    Use of biochar for AD process optimisation, Jan Mumme, Carbogenics
15h00    The use of biochar for horticultural crops, Michel Campredon et Sylvain Louarn, Florentaise
Open to the floor

simultaneous translation : french/english

14h00   Wood pellets for heating with good profitability up to 2 MW, JGöran Magnusson, Janfire    english
14h20    Low-cost type IV (composite) storage and transportation solutions, Jørn Løvdal, UMOE    english
14h40    An introduction to environmental catalysts, Anders Rooma Nielsen, Umicore    english
15h00    Technical aspects and case stories”. It goes more into details about catalytical removal of NOx on biomass plants, Anders Rooma Nielsen, Umicore    english

14h00    Biogas Upgrading with Amine, Alexander Ryhl, Ammongas    english
14h30    La valeur de la mesure du méthane sur base humide dans le biogaz, Lilian Robert, Vaisala    français
14h50    Simplifying bioLNG energy transfer management,  Jani Hautaluoma, Valmet Automation    english
15h10    Biométhane / biogaz durable par électrification de l'unité de méthanisation, René Rasmussen, Lundsby Biogas    français
15h30    Biomethane transportation by Mobile Pipeline®, Felix Grass, Hexagon Composites   english

15h00    Introduction, Adeline Haumont, AILE
15h15    Waste is only a resource in the wrong place : digestate + CO2 = fertiliser + chp + carbon storage, Peter Hammond, CCm Technologies
15h35    Utilising the digestate via micro-algae, Luc Chauchat, AC3A
15h55    Sustainable biowaste management and biogas production, Paal Nilsen, SCANSHIP
16h15    Digestate: Experience feedback from the Brittany methanisation, Pièrre Quideau, Britanny Chamber of Agriculture, AAMB

Moderator : Adeline Haumont, AILE
simultaneous translation : french/english

15h45    Opportunities for crowdfunding (direct funding, investment structure) : Miimosa transition - Geoffrey Masson
16h00    Purchasing groups to optimize your project (multi-project clustering, grouped consultation of manufacturers) : SAS Bioénergie 123  - Alex le Quere /  Eureden - Matthieu Dufour 
16h40    Round Table : Financing an anaerobic digestion project in 2020 (Bank financing in 2020 - new features and developments, Special features of different financing models, Supply chain aspects) : BPGO  - Yann Guezel / Ter'Green (Groupe Keon) - Philippe Spannagel

Moderator: Mickael Thomas, Méthatlantique
simultaneous translation : french/english

A panorama of biochar production technologies and exemplary case studies from the field
16h00    SYNCRAFT, Marcel Huber
16h20    ETIA, Vincent Xavier
16h40    Rainbow Bee Eater, Peter Burgess

Moderator: Marc le Treïs, AILE
simultaneous translation : french/english

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