Mr Bretel Bruno, 57, thermist, Chief exécutive for more than 30 years in the world of energy and engineering. Managing Director and Associate Founder of Utilities Performance since 5 years, specializing in the engineering of energy, environment and water. The company UP is established in France with 6 agencies and has more than 100 people for a turnover of about 13 million Euros. Up is mainly involved in the industry and has many references in biomass, biomass cogeneration, CSR, anaerobic digestion, cogeneration, and energy recovery. UP also masters the entire water cycle, from the resource, upstream treatment, storage, distribution, recycling and wastewater treatment General Manager of H3C for a year, specialized in building, environmental, HVAC, HQE and building management. UP and H3C have a perfect mastery of the world of energy for worl industrial but also for the tertiary sector, communities and housing. UP and H3C belong to the E'nergys group which is an SME ecosystem clustered around energy, water, services and digital with connected objects
Speaks in the following conferences
Salon Bois Energie 2019
Accompanying industrial wood heating projects